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Syndroom Van De Lach

Client Stchting Syndroom Van De Lach
Tasks art direction | creation & (web) production
Region The Netherlands
Year 2014
Goal Fundraising

SVDL fundraising responsive

Fundraising website

With this website the Foundation raises funds for children with mental and / or motor impairment to receive dolphin-supported therapy at the Curaçao Dolphin Therapy & Research Center (CDTC) and / or let these children participate in other development-enhancing therapies and / or activities.
The website complies with the publication obligation set by ANBI and the statutes are drawn up in accordance with ANBI requirements.

The Foundation aims to achieve its goal by recruiting donors & sponsors and initiating or stimulating fundraising actions. The website offers donors the opportunity to donate money directly through an application.

Visit the fundraising website of

Syndroom Van De Lach

ScreenShot SVDL fundraising website


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